French Room

2-316 sq m from 1980 NOK

‘Notre chambre française’ is like a jewel out of the treasure chest of the King of Sun – Louis XIV. We translated his love for ornaments and luxury into a grand room full of rich decorations and a lush and vibrant ambience. Pièce de résistance is the four-poster bed, covered with velvet and countless pillows. Herangtunet is the perfect place to stay if you are looking for room rental in Norway.

* Please note that we require a minimum stay of 2 nights, so we are sure that you have enough time to relax and unwind.

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About this room

To create the perfect boudoir we selected authentic vintage wallpaper and a colorful crystal chandelier. Combined with a classic dressing table and two stylish seats by the delicate wood-burning stove you easily travel back to La Belle Époque. Finishing touch is the bathroom that has been lined with wainscoting and is equipped with real copper taps. ‘Autres temps, autres moeurs’ – times change – but a royal experience and long-lasting memories stay.
